

Welcome to my blog. Here I discuss my life experiences and the fascinating people I meet along the way. I also document my adventures in writing, reading, and cooking. Hope you have a nice stay!

The Resurrectionist

The Resurrectionist

There is a loose story behind these anatomical drawings of mythical creatures, but it's not as fun as simply perusing the diagrams. Ever wonder how the muscles might be attached from the base of the wings of Pegasus to his back? Ever curious how Cerberus, the three headed dog of Hades, got that triple C-spine to work? Well, there are skeletal, musculature, and some other diagrams of eleven mythological creatures in this beautifully rendered coffee table book. This is a kind of Gray's Anatomy for mythological creatures such as the Centaur, Ganesha, the Harpy and more.



Codex Seraphinianus

Codex Seraphinianus